framed wall pictures
framed wall pictures

Your Room Needs Renovation, Right?
How to Choose Between Wood Framed Canvas
and Framed Canvas Prints?
Use WallPics Framed Wall Pictures to Refresh It.

  • Framed Wall Pictures
  • Wood Framed Canvas
  • Framed Canvas Prints
  • WallPics
wallpics wallpics

Your Room Needs Renovation, Right?
Use Wallpics Framed Wall Pictures to Refresh It

Nowadays, you have many possibilities to create delightful framed wall pictures just for you. With amazing available options, you can find ideal wall decorations that will fit into your living space and budget. Using the Internet, you can explore a variety of frames in different styles and colors.

Regardless of the size of your room, its style, and its mood, you will certainly find a great option for your place. Therefore, if you want to bring a new atmosphere to your house, framed wall pictures are an amazing way to do it.

Various size options for framed wall pictures

The size of your wall decorations will depend on the size of your house. It is important to choose suitable framed wall pictures, so be attentive to this point. Here are some size options for this decoration item:

Small frames

This option is a good one for small houses or apartments. Small framed wall pictures don’t take up much space but they can become an attractive central point of any room. At the same time, you can use them as a small detail of the interior design. The advantage of choosing small frames is that you would never have to worry about space for them.

Medium frames

This option can fit into a house of any size and style. It is big enough to attract attention and small enough to be suitable even for small apartments. If you want to create a modern-style room, medium-sized framed wall pictures are a good choice. Moreover, the medium size is an ideal option for portraits. If you want to create a kind of photo gallery with portraits of your family members, you should consider this size.

Large frames

If you have a big house, large framed wall art is a great choice for you. Large frames are a good decision when you want to print a big photo collage. Thanks to its size, this wall decoration will definitely attract the attention of your guests. It is important to know that large framed wall pictures are ideal for a wide and bright room such as the living room or hallway. If you want to create striking wall decorations, you can use this size.

Regardless of their size, framed wall pictures are a great choice for the interior design of your house because they serve two purposes. First of all, they give you an excellent possibility to turn your favorite picture into an impressive wall decoration. Secondly, they bring positive energy to your living space as well as make your house look different. If you want to change the look and mood of your home, you can consider these great decoration items.

The right size of framed wall pictures for your house

As mentioned above, there are different sizes of framed wall pictures, so they will fit into a room with any style and size. At the same time, it is pretty important to find out the ideal size of wall decorations for a specific room where you plan to install your photo tiles. When it comes to this, you have to consider some important factors. Firstly, what size is your room? Then, are there any other decorations on the wall? Is there a central point in the interior design of the room? What kind of pictures do you want to use? Don't underestimate the importance of these questions. Be sure to think about them in advance.

As a rule of thumb, a framed wall picture should be about 1/3 of the width of your wall. However, it still depends on your preferences. But it is important to leave enough space on both sides of this decoration. In this case, your room will not look overloaded.

framed wall pictures

Space between your framed wall pictures

If you plan to hang several framed wall pictures on one wall, you have to consider the space between these frames. You should not make the mistake of placing two wall art too far apart. At the same time, don’t try to overload your wall with decorations. Instead of this, try to leave some space between framed wall pictures. For example, you can leave a gap of about 2 inches between them. If the size of a decoration item is large, you can create a bigger gap.

The rules are important, but it all depends on your taste. The main purpose is to create an excellent symmetric composition of your wall decorations. It is important to remember that there is no need for installing all your framed wall pictures on one wall. If you have many photo frames, consider other walls and rooms of your house.

framed wall pictures

Alternative to framed wall pictures

If you want to adorn the walls of your house but can’t be satisfied with traditional framed wall pictures, there are many options for you. The Wallpics canvas prints are one of them. They are fully customized wall decorations for any type of house. Thanks to their elegant design without frames, they will fit into a room with any style. Moreover, they are pretty easy to create. First of all, choose your favorite shots from your private collections on your smartphone, camera, or PC and then upload them to the Wallpics website or app.

After that, you can adjust, crop, and arrange your uploaded images as you want (you can create a photo collage as well). Finally, you need to submit your creation and then make an order. The Wallpics team will print your pictures and deliver your order to your house.

framed wall pictures

Final thoughts

It is not difficult to find good frames for your favorite photos. At the same time, you need to take it seriously. Be attentive and try to choose the best option. Consider the style and size of the room where you plan to install wall decorations and don’t forget about your preferences. Enhance the appearance of your house with the help of frames wall pictures.