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WallPics Offers Cheap Photo Tiles:
Personal Way to Customize Any Room
in Your House with Picture Tiles.

  • Photo Tiles
  • Cheap Photo Tiles
  • Picture Tiles
  • WallPics
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Wallpics Offers: Personal Way to Customize
Any Room in Your House with Picture Tiles

There is no universal way for improving the appearance of your house. At the same time, there are really many options. You can try some of them to choose the most suitable one. As an option, you can consider the Wallpics picture tiles. They are completely customized wall decorations that can adorn any room of your home. You don’t even need to have special skills. Just rely on your creativity and wishes. These tiles are a pretty good variant to upgrade your living space.

To create your picture tiles, you need to take a few steps. Think about a room you want to adorn with personalized wall decorations. As these tiles have a simple design, they will fit into a room with any style. After that, you need to choose the appropriate photos. Just go through your smartphone, personal computer, or camera to find something interesting. Then you can upload your chosen images to Wallpics. Here you can arrange them as you want. When you are satisfied with your creation, you can submit it and make an order. Delivery is pretty fast (up to 7 days for the USA). After receiving your picture tiles, you can finally install them to change the atmosphere in any room of your house.

Choose the best place for your picture tiles

As it was said, you can hang your customized picture tiles on any wall in any room. But if you don’t have any ideas, let us show you some examples:

Living room

It is one of the most popular rooms for picture tiles. It is usually a big room, so you have many places where you can hang your wall decorations. Moreover, there are many ways of arrangement. As an option, you can create a panoramic photo collage of images of nature or create a place of memory with your family photos. The main point is to create something that will emphasize the strengths of your living room.


The kitchen is also an important room for many families. It is used for family members only (and probably for close friends and kin). It is important to keep the warmth and coziness of this room. You can adorn the walls of the kitchen with customized picture tiles to make this place even more attractive. As an option, you can choose photos of important family events, such as weddings, birthdays, voyages, and so on.

Children’s room

It is a good place for installing your personalized wall decorations, but you can also run into some difficulties. It is important to remember that the children’s room is not yours. Your kids are the owners of this place, so you need to ask their opinion. Just listen carefully and try to embody their wishes. On the other hand, you can try to make a surprise. Find out information about your kids’ hobbies and then create the appropriate wall decorations. The picture tiles based on the images with characters of favorite books or films of your children will look good in their room.


What about the hallway of your house? This room meets all your guests. It can make a good or bad impression and then can set the tone for further communication. It is important to create a benevolent and hospitable atmosphere in this room. For example, you can create a series of photo-portraits of members of your family. After that, turn them into picture tiles and then hang them on a wall in your hallway. This installation will help you create a new atmosphere in this place.

Explore the features of the Wallpics picture tiles

Affordability and durability

The Wallpics picture tiles are pretty affordable wall decorations. A set of three tiles will cost $94 (every additional tile will be $19). In addition, there is a special subscription plan. According to this subscription, you will receive three picture tiles every month. Moreover, the price for a subscription is even lower than the price for a regular set.

At the same time, these picture tiles are a product of high quality, so they are pretty durable. If you maintain them properly, they will serve you for long years. They don’t even need any special maintenance. Just be careful with them, do nothing that can damage them, and dust off them with a rag regularly.

Hassle-free installation

The Wallpics picture tiles are pretty easy to install. You don’t need the help of a professional or any special tools. You don’t even need to use a hammer or something like that. Thanks to the special adhesive, you can simply stick them on any wall in any room. Moreover, you can take them off anytime (without leaving any undesirable marks). After that, you can still use them and place them on any other wall.

Final thoughts

Changing the appearance of your living space is always an interesting process. Nowadays, people have many opportunities to do this. With the help of contemporary wall decorations, you can embody any idea. Let your imagination run wild and improve the attractiveness of your house. Give the Wallpics picture tiles a try. Choose your favorite photos from your smartphone, personal computer, or camera. If you don’t have the appropriate shots in your private collections, you can use the Internet. There are really many websites with stock artworks, so you will find something suitable. As an option, you can try to make new snapshots with your smartphone or camera.

When the pictures are chosen, you need to unload them to the Wallpics website or app. Here you can arrange and crop them according to your ideas. If you face any problem, the Wallpics support team will help you solve it. If you are pleased with your creation, you can make an order. Wallpics will deliver your picture tiles to your doorstep. Change the atmosphere and look of your living space with the help of customized wall decorations.